Senate sends School Choice Bill to House
We understand why families many times across this state are constantly searching for opportunities for a path in education for their specific student, and a customized path that fits their student’s needs. Senator Brandon Creighton By Richard Lee/Special to East Texas Review Following
School Choice, Water, Teacher Pay Raises make Governor’s emergency list
Texas is the most powerful economy in America. Texas is number one for the most new jobs, Texas has been number one for economic development for more than a decade. Texas is the number one best state to start a business… Texas is
School Choice Fails Four Times
TSTA, AFT applauds House members who stood up for public schools with anti-voucher vote. Texas State Teachers Association President Ovidia Molina issued the following statement: TSTA applauds the House members, Democrats and Republicans, who stood up for their public schools today by voting
Texas Senate Completes 4th Called Session Agenda
By Richard Lee The Senate passed four bills this past Thursday that answered the call for legislation set out by Governor Greg Abbott this week. When the third special session ended without passage of a bill on school choice Tuesday, Abbott immediately called
School Choice Fails: Gov. Abbott Calls Fourth Special Session
By Richard Lee Lawmakers will get another 30 days in Austin to try and work out a deal on school choice legislation, Governor Greg Abbott’s top legislative priority. While the Senate passed such a bill in the regular and third special sessions, the
School Choice And Border Security Take Center Stage At Special Session
Controversial SCHOOL CHOICE and BORDER SECURITY take center stage as Texas 88th Legislature begins special session. The Texas 88th Legislature began its third special session Monday, with Governor Greg Abbott calling lawmakers back into Austin to consider the issue of legislation that will