CHRISTUS Health expands cardiac healthcare services
New outpatient heartcare facility opened Adding our new outpatient cath labs and the new heart CT is another milestone in our plan and commitment to give our community advanced heart care and therapies, right here, close to home. Dr. Chris McClish – Chief
Brookshire Grocery Company donates to Smith County
With this donation, we were able to purchase multiple items that will enable us to better train Smith County employees… We are truly grateful for the continued support and generosity of the Brookshire Grocery Company. Brandon Moore – Smith County Emergency Management Coordinator
The Courage to Trust
GOD’S WORD: “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” – Psalm 56:3-4 By Glenn Miller In God we trust.
Senate sends School Choice Bill to House
We understand why families many times across this state are constantly searching for opportunities for a path in education for their specific student, and a customized path that fits their student’s needs. Senator Brandon Creighton By Richard Lee/Special to East Texas Review Following
School Choice, Water, Teacher Pay Raises make Governor’s emergency list
Texas is the most powerful economy in America. Texas is number one for the most new jobs, Texas has been number one for economic development for more than a decade. Texas is the number one best state to start a business… Texas is
Orphan Spirit
GOD’S WORD: “In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance to His pleasure and will – to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One he loves.” –
Finance Committee begins Budget Hearings
By Richard Lee/ Special to East Texas Review The Senate Finance Committee on Monday began the first in what will be weeks’ worth of hearings on the budget for the 2026-2027 biennium. Chair and Houston Senator Joan Huffman unveiled the base proposal last
Smith County Grabs National Recognition
(Chicago, Illinois) – Government Finance Officers Association is pleased to announce that Smith County, Texas, received GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget. The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff
The Breaker Anointing
By Glenn Miller I’ve been hearing on several occasions lately people mentioning a “breaker anointing”. I wasn’t familiar with the term, so my beautiful wife led me to an understanding of the term and its application. The concept of a breaker anointing is
Tyler ISD Foundation awards $100K to fuel innovative teaching
It’s exciting and mutually rewarding to fund these grants that aim to achieve a transformative impact by engaging students with new or extraordinary learning experiences. Suzette Farr – Tyler ISD Foundation Executive Director The Tyler ISD Foundation Group with a check that will