Longview, Texas
27 July 2024
Can’t Get Enough
Gospel Spotlight

Can’t Get Enough

Jul 9, 2023

By Glenn Miller

GOD’S WORD: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

I look around lately and I see a world that just can’t get enough. It doesn’t matter what “what” it is, it seems to me as if everyone is obsessed with getting more. More recognition. More value. More money. More efficiency. More power. More, more, more! Do you suppose we ever catch up? Do we ever get enough? If you’re like me, it seems that the more we get the greater our deficiencies appear. Categorically speaking, I suppose most things in life are like Chinese food; an hour later you’re still hungry. Nonetheless, our quest for complete supplication more times than not is unsatisfied when left to our human devices. 

On the other hand, God’s grace, and His love for us are complete. With it, when we fully accept it as sufficient, comes all the power we need to quench our human frailties and weaknesses. In fact, human weakness provides the ideal opportunity for the display of divine power. God wants to quench our thirst and emancipate our hunger for completion. 

It’s not by accident that so many of Jesus’ parables and miracles are analogies concerning food. Jesus is the “Bread of Life” and the “New Wine”. With such supplication, it’s never a question of whether we have enough, the question then becomes, what are we doing with the leftovers?

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