Longview, Texas
12 January 2025
New Year Resolution
Gospel Spotlight

New Year Resolution

Jan 5, 2025

GOD’S WORD: “I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” – Psalm 61:4

As the sun begins making its way over the eastern horizon this morning for one of the first times in 2025, I dedicate a large portion of my quiet time to reflect on God’s presence in my life this past year. 2024 was a great but challenging year. Yes, there were trials, setbacks and challenges, but there were also many abundant blessings that came out of those things. So, I took out my pencil and paper and made a list of blessings I encountered in 2024. At the top of the page I wrote the words “Thank You, Lord!”

The list was long and powerful. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I began to realize blessings that I hadn’t taken notice of before. And the amazing thing about it, those things I considered blessings were quite often the product of difficult situations in which I finally trusted God to deliver me! Another observation was that the list was made up of blessings that, as a younger man, I would not have considered. Blessings like safety for my wife, children and their families, new friends, reconciled relationships, expanded knowledge, and the opportunity to participate and minister in God’s kingdom every day.

Tears began to well up in my eyes and my heart increased its size at the moment I realized how provident and faithful God has been to me! No, these blessings did not come in the form of money, a big new home, a perfect family, or shiny new things like the world would have you believe are blessings but were the more important things in life that can only come from a God who loves me unconditionally and without measure.

Then, as a result of realizing His love in this profound exercise, I made a second list and titled it, “Matthew 7:7”; the verses which say we should ASK, SEEK and KNOCK. Years ago would have seen me making a list, something like a Santa Claus Christmas wish list, but I found my pencil and my heart could write only one thing; the same thing King David wrote centuries ago:

To dwell in your house forever and ever.

Not as a visitor, but as a RESIDENT! I am His and He is my God. My earnest desire is that I may live each day claiming that residency and that what I do will bring Him glory; that I have the courage and the wisdom to discern and do His will; and that I love Him with all my heart all the days of my life.

And for some odd reason, that’s simply enough.

Have a safe and Spirit-filled 2025, my friend!

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